Friday 26 September 2014


I remember how your eyes made me weak
I have gotten so strong since I have lost that sight
When you look at me now you are not gonna recognise me
Not cause I have changed but cause my heart has lost the love!!!
Thank you for making me an anatomy!!!
I will live,  that's the gumption in me...

Thursday 25 September 2014


There are no more words between us
Like the pages are all over
Would there be a new story or this was my best seller
I wonder if a story is better or a song
One has more words and the other is all about the music ...
I like the romance not the love
You cannot just be a chapter
You are my sonnet!!!

Wednesday 24 September 2014


Do the stars ever worry that they are not bright enough
Or maybe will they ever lose their twinkle
I know of an angel who tells them everyday
Even the faintest star is looked upon!!
Every single day....

Tuesday 23 September 2014


There is so much to me
What I was to what I can be
Always felt I need to know myself
But is there no mystery left in living anymore
What if I'm the person I don't like
Im still gonna be very me
I have a lot riding on this
I don't wanna exit on disliking myself
Not today not in this life

Monday 2 September 2013


It should scare me
It does not
Always at peace, always clear
I walk through you and I feel you walk with me
We don't talk but then it's always good to not have to make an effort... Just right! 


Keep saying 'cause your words have lost its meaning 
I want to hear, just cannot listen anymore
I'm not dead but I don't beat like that, no more 
Your are not wrong 
I'm still gonna punish you


I thought it wouldn't matter
I thought I don't long
The humour is in how it hurts 
Torn for Not getting something I never ever wanted
Chuckle or tears, how do I respond?