Friday 26 September 2014


I remember how your eyes made me weak
I have gotten so strong since I have lost that sight
When you look at me now you are not gonna recognise me
Not cause I have changed but cause my heart has lost the love!!!
Thank you for making me an anatomy!!!
I will live,  that's the gumption in me...

Thursday 25 September 2014


There are no more words between us
Like the pages are all over
Would there be a new story or this was my best seller
I wonder if a story is better or a song
One has more words and the other is all about the music ...
I like the romance not the love
You cannot just be a chapter
You are my sonnet!!!

Wednesday 24 September 2014


Do the stars ever worry that they are not bright enough
Or maybe will they ever lose their twinkle
I know of an angel who tells them everyday
Even the faintest star is looked upon!!
Every single day....

Tuesday 23 September 2014


There is so much to me
What I was to what I can be
Always felt I need to know myself
But is there no mystery left in living anymore
What if I'm the person I don't like
Im still gonna be very me
I have a lot riding on this
I don't wanna exit on disliking myself
Not today not in this life